Friday, June 1, 2018

Egypt's Sister by Angela Elwell Hunt

A story about the journey Chava is set on after her best friend, Cleopatra, turns her back on her based on her unwillingness to worship other gods besides the one true God. It is about how their paths intertwine and are leading up to one critical moment.

Not much stuck out as unique within the plot except that the story definitely is set around the two girls and their relationship instead of a romance. I have read many similar stories about people going into slavery and coming back out again. However, the details from the time period brought the story to life especially around the historical figure Cleopatra.   The main characters were ones you were rooting for and wanted to see what ended up happening with each of them. Additionally, I would have liked to see some of the story from Cleopatra’s point of view since it was about both of them, which I understand would have been difficult with the amount of time that is covered in the story.  I would recommend this book to historical fiction lovers.

(The publisher gave me a free paperback version of this book to review, but this opinion is my own after reading the book for myself.)

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