Chuck Black is a genius at writing so much meaning and heart into a small number of pages. I have read his Knights of Arrethtrae series which was intended for a young audience and felt more satisfied than reading some of the larger fantasy and adventure novels out there from other authors. The Rise of the Fallen is no exception to this.
Rise of the Fallen is the second book in a series of three. I still enjoyed and understood what was going on in the book even though I have not read the first book yet, but I plan to get my hands on it. The story follows the least of the angels from his creation, throughout history including the the Flood, the Tower of Babel, Jesus' birth and death, the Holocaust, and up to present times. The story switches between the past and present every few chapters as you get to know Validus. In the past, he rises through the ranks to become the warrior leader of North America in present times. However, the climax of the story centers around how Validus is resigned from protecting the whole continent to protecting one man. What is so special about one man?
This story is a masterpiece. I absolutely loved the depth to the characters and the connection between the angels. Additionally, the author did a great job providing extra resources such as vocabulary definitions and timelines of history in the front of the book. I also appreciated the section in the back explaining how pieces of the story connected to the Bible. He did a great job explaining how nothing is truth besides the Bible, but that he wrote a story to bring alive the spiritual battle that is going on based on Biblical evidence. I look forward to finishing the other two books in the series.
(I received a free ebook version of this from the publisher; however, this review is my opinion after reading the story for myself.)